During the technical conference, the exhibition was also being progressed in the same building. As many corporations, such as Samsung, Hyundai and STX, in the offshore plant industry participated in the event, its scale was absolutely gigantic.
While a large number of visitors looked around the exhibition hall, some business people were discussing their businesses one another. That is to say, it showed this event was for businesses and cooperations between shipbuildidng and offshore plant companies.
What's more, some university students who specialize in relevant subjects visited the Offshsore Korea 2012. It is true that participating it was a good opportunity to experience real business matters and touch base key people in the business sector.
On top of that, various components and replicas were displayed everwhere in the place. In particular, the offshore plant facilities and components were copied delicately.
As well as the technical conference, the exhibition was a very informative and useful event to understand the global mainstream and many companies' projcts, etc.
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