The Offshore Korea 2012 was magnificently held in BEXCO Busan today. Many people acting in the offshore plant industry all around the world has visited the event venue to participate. The technical conference and the exhibition are simultaneously opening. In this post, chiefly, I am going to convey the news about the conference vividly.
At 10:00 A.M, it has been begun at the time of the opening address of Jongbong Park, who is the chariman of the program committee. He welcomed every participant who attend the Offshore Korea 2012 all the way in his address.
Also, he mentioned theglbal offshore industry and the position and the activities of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co,. Ltd because he is actually an executive of the shipbuilding company. At last, he officially declared the Offshore Korea 2012.
After the opening address, the welcome speech and congratulatory speech were repectively started. Following those ones, John Westwood, the chairman of Douglas Westwood, made a keynote address with the title of "Global Offshore Prospects".
In the beginning of his keynote address, he introduced his company to audience and mainly made a presentation about the emerging offshore industry in the global market. The key agenda was largely "Oil & Gas Supply & Demand", "Offshore Sector Forecast" and "Implication for Asia Pacific".
In brief, Asia, particularly, Chana has a huge oil demand, so, the prospect of the offshore industry has a good future to be promoted as long as shipbuilding and offshore companies aggresively act in this business sector.
As soon as his keynote speech finished, th panel discussion was begun on the same spot. John Westwood became a chairperson in the discussion. On top of that, there were 5 panels to discuss the various issues. each one made their presentations for 7minutes after being introdued to audiences.After the presentations and the discussion finished, some of the audiences were able to have their chances to question to panels for a short time.
Eventually, the morning schedule was finalised by the fact that the panel discussion had been over 1 hour later.
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